Nordic insurance company automated claims processing
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Reinsurance: State of the Market
Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance (BHSI) has set up a new office in Stockholm
RiskPoint Norway Welcomes Head of Energy
Electric vehicles and insurance challenges
Zurich Insurance expands to Baltic area.
Allianz creates financial lines D&O and PI claims team
European Commission proposal for product liability directive
Elections in 2024 could drive political risk insurance demand higher
Deloitt published the 2024 Global Insurance Outlook.
The digital transformation of underwriting remains a headache for insurers
Keep pace with the rapidly changing supply chain risks
Digitalisation: A game changer for commercial insurance
AGCS operations to trade under Allianz Commercial
The Swiss Federal Council adopts the Insurance Supervisory Ordinance
Chubb to require emissions reductions of oil and gas producers
Lloyd’s has appointed Matt Unsworth as Transformation Director
ICC’s world-renowned Incoterms® rules facilitate trillions of dollars in global trade each year
Offshore oil & gas set for growth
P&I renewal increases could be the last as pricing nears adequacy